University Exam information

University Exam information

Environment Conservation Cell Policies


  • To create an Environmentally friendly, sustainable campus and to spread the notion of Environmentally friendly culture among the students, surrounding community, and wherever practicable.

  •  In the areas of electricity, water, and sanitation, the College is attempting to develop the institution in a self-sustaining manner.
  • To teach students about the importance of the environment and related issues.
  • To preserve natural systems and resources.

1. Save trees:

  • “Save the trees by less use of papers” is the practice inculcated in faculty and students.
  • The College promotes the awareness to save the paper by using one side pages.
  • The College has purchased Vmedulife software to keep all academic and administrative data in digital form with less use of paper.
  • Various notes and exam-related and study materials are uploaded and assessed using various digital platforms like Vmedulife, YouTube, and Google Classroom.

2. Restricted entry of Automobiles:

  • All vehicles of the College staff/ faculty members are mandated to carry a valid PUC certification before entering the vehicle on the College campus.
  • To reduce emissions, the College encourages staff and students to use public transportation and bicycles.

3. Use of Bicycle/ Battery powered vehicles:

  • Restricted entry of automobiles and their use inside the campus.
  • The use of bicycles or battery-powered vehicles on the campus.

4.Pedestrian-friendly pathways:

  •  The Institution has built pedestrian-friendly pathways for the safe and easy movement of Staff and Students on the campus.

  •  All buildings on campus are accessible through roadways with pavements and paths.

  • The maintenance staff clean and maintain them regularly.

5.Ban on use of Plastic:

  •  The College is dedicated to achieving a plastic-free campus.

  • It is ensured that the 3R policy is followed, i.e. trash reduction, recveling, and reuse.

  • On the College Campus,there is ban on Single – use Plastics.

6.Landscaping with trees and plants:

  • To clear the air, more medicinal plants, as well as fruit plants and trees, have been planted on the campus
  • Students and staff have actively organized and participated in a tree-planting campaign on the campus.

7.Energy conservation:

  • The practice of using less energy or use of alternative energy resources. and judicious use of energy and reducing the wastage of energy for a better future.

8.E-Waste Management:

  • The electronic waste components such as computer system components, CPU and ICs are repaired for minor defects and if not repaired are handed to various E-waste collection drives and agencies in PCMC.

9.Solid Waste Management:

  • Solid Waste is systematically collected and segregated using different colored dustbins i.e. Blue, Red and Yellow.

  • The College promotes paperless communication via electronic media back-to-back printing and the use of one-sided-printed paper for rough work wherever possible.

  • All degradable waste is used for composting. The compost so produced is used for gardening.

10.Liquid Waste Management:

  • Liquid waste released from the College including labs, canteen and other facilities is processed by an effluent treatment plant and recycled for gardening.

11.Biodegradable waste Management:

  • Biomedical waste from the animal house is collected in biodegradable waste assigned in polythene bags and placed in yellow-colored dustbins. The College has signed a MoU with PASSCO Environmental Solution Pvt. Ltd.

12.Water Conservation:

Ensuring the improvement of drinking water quality by installation of a water purifier system placed at four places on the campus to recharge ground

The College campus has overhead tanks for storage and uniform distribution of water in the campus area. 

  • Repairing the leakages immediately and performing periodic maintenance required to prevent water loss.
  • Maximize water use efficiency and minimize wastage of water.
  • The College building has a rainwater harvesting system to recharge the groundwater.
  • Ensure awareness about the water conservation policy of the College among all the staff.
  • Create awareness about the cost-effectiveness of water conservation projects among students and local communities.
  • Use of signage board for awareness of water conservation.
  • Use of ETP recycled water wherever possible.
  • Sensor-based technology to avoid overflow of tanks.

13.To ensure the outcomes of all implemented policies the College conducts a Green, Energy and Environment Audit every year



Environmental Conservation Cell

The Environmental Conservation Cell is a dedicated initiative within our college aimed at promoting environmental awareness, sustainability, and action among our students, faculty, and staff. As we navigate an era of unprecedented environmental challenges, it becomes increasingly imperative for educational institutions like ours to take a proactive stance in addressing these pressing issues. The Environmental Conservation Cell of the College aims to sensitize, create awareness, and educate students about the preservation and conservation of the environment. The cell organizes various activities to create awareness about the importance of protecting nature and the environment. The cell motivates the students to keep their surroundings clean and green and to maintain natural resources. The Environmental Conservation Cell actively investigates all matters related to nature, and the function of its members is to sensitize, create awareness, motivate, and educate the students about environmental conservation.


  1. To create an Environmentally friendly, sustainable campus and to spread the notion of Environmentally friendly culture among the students, surrounding community, and wherever practicable.

  2. . In the areas of electricity, water, and sanitation, the College is attempting to develop the institution in a self-sustaining manner.

  3. . In the areas of electricity, water, and sanitation, the College is attempting to develop the institution in a self-sustaining manner.

  4. To preserve natural systems and resources.

Environmental Conservation Cell Policies:

  • Save trees:
  1. “Save the trees by less use of papers” is the practice inculcated in faculty and students.
  2. The College promotes the awareness to save the paper by using one side page.
  3. The College has purchased Vmedulife software to keep all academic and administrative data in digital form with less use of paper.
  4. Various notes and exam-related and study materials are uploaded and assessed using various digital platforms like Vmedulife, YouTube and Google Classroom.
  • Restricted entry of Automobiles:

  1. All vehicles of the College staff/ faculty members are mandated to carry a valid PUC certification before entering the vehicle on the College campus.
  2. To reduce emissions, the College encourages staff and students to use public transportation and bicycles.
  • Use of Bicycle/ Battery powered vehicles:

  1. Restricted entry of automobiles and their use inside the campus.
  2. The use of bicycles or battery-powered vehicles on the campus.
  • Pedestrian-friendly pathways:

  1. The Institution has built pedestrian-friendly pathways for the safe and easy movement of Staff and Students on the campus.
  2. All buildings on campus are accessible through roadways with pavements and paths.
  3. The maintenance staff clean and maintain them regularly.
  • Ban on use of Plastic:

  1. The College is dedicated to achieving a plastic-free campus.
  2. It is ensured that the 3R policy is followed, i.e. trash reduction, recycling, and reuse.
  3. On the College campus, there is a ban on single-use plastics.
  • Landscaping with trees and plants:

  1. To clear the air, more medicinal plants, as well as fruit plants and trees, have been planted on the campus.
  2. Students and staff have actively organized and participated in a tree-planting campaign on the campus.
  • Energy conservation:

  1. The practice of using less energy or use of alternative energy resources.
  2. Judicious use of energy and reducing the wastage of energy for a better future.
  • Solid Waste Management:

  1. Solid Waste is systematically collected and segregated using different colored dustbins i.e. Blue, Red and Yellow.
  2. The College promotes paperless communication via electronic media back-to-back printing and the use of one-sided-printed paper for rough work wherever possible.
  3. All degradable waste is used for composting. The compost so produced is used for gardening.
  • Liquid Waste Management:
  1. Liquid waste released from the College including labs, canteen, and other facilities is processed by an effluent treatment plant and recycled for gardening.
  • Biodegradable waste Management:

  1. Biomedical waste from the animal house is collected in biodegradable waste assigned in polythene bags and placed in yellow-colored dustbins.
  2. The College has signed a MoU with PASSCO Environmental Solution Pvt..Ltd.
  • Water Conservation:
  1. Ensuring the improvement of drinking water quality by the installation of a water purifier system placed at four places on the campus to recharge ground
  2. The College campus has overhead tanks for storage and uniform distribution of water in the campus area.
  3. Repairing the leakages immediately and performing periodic maintenance required to prevent water loss.
  4. Maximize water use efficiency and minimize wastage of water.
  5. The College building has a rainwater harvesting system to recharge the groundwater.
  6. Ensure awareness about the water conservation policy of the College among all the staff.
  7. Create awareness about the cost-effectiveness of water conservation projects among students and local communities.
  8. Use of signage board for awareness of water conservation.
  9. Use of ETP recycled water wherever possible.
  10. Sensor-based technology to avoid overflow of tanks.
  •  E-Waste Management:
  1. The electronic waste components such as computer system components, CPU and ICs are repaired for minor defects
  2. if not repaired are handed to various E-waste collection drives and agencies in PCMC.
  • Audits:
  1. To ensure the outcomes of all implemented policies the College conducts a Green, Energy and Environment Audit every year.





Environmental Conservation Cell 2024 – 25

Sr.No Name Designation
Dr. Shashikant Nivrutti Dhole
Chairman (Principal)
Dr. Vrushali Sachin Tambe
Vice Chairman (Vice Principal – HOD)
Mr. Rahul Ramesh Chanshetti
Member (Faculty Representative - HOD)
Dr. Mohini Chandrashekhar Upadhye
Member (Faculty Representative - HOD)
Dr. Smita Dhanjay More
Member (Faculty Representative - HOD)
Ms. Bhagyashree Narayan Atre
Member (Faculty Representative - Criteria 7 Incharge)
Mrs. Bhagyashree Somnath Parande
Member (NSS Officer)
Ms. Chaitali Chandrashekhar Dongaonkar
Member (Student Development Officer)
Mrs. Tanuja Yogesh Sawant
Member (Non-Teaching Staff)