University Exam information

University Exam information


  1. To develop proactive, pragmatic, devoted and talented women pharmacists at par with global standards.


  1. To impart quality education in niche areas exploring newer vistas vis-à-vis ever-evolving landscape of pharmacy education.
  2. To provide an ideal forum for technical, scientific and social deliberations for the benefit of learners, faculty and stakeholders of pharmacy education.
  3. To develop linkages, tie-ups and academic rapport with pharma industry and academia to facilitate collaborative learning and interdisciplinary research


  1. To develop a pool of talented and skilled pharmacy work-force to meet the standards of professionalism contributing to the intellectual wealth of the nation.
  2. To equip learners with strong fundamental concepts, technical and multi-tasking skills in various facets of pharmacy profession viz., F and D, QA/QC, Clinical Data Management, Pharmacovigilance, Hospital and Community Pharmacy etc.
  3. To encourage the students to undertake higher studies and various career opportunities.
  4. To motivate the students to participate in life-long learning process to keep pace with changing scenario in the field of Pharmacy for the benefit of the society.
  5. To inculcate real life skills for holistic development of learners.