University Exam information

University Exam information

About Society

A Legacy of Progressive Education Society

The Progressive Education Society (PES) is a cornerstone of academic excellence in Maharashtra. Founded on the auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya in 1934 by the founder Shankarrao Kanitkar and his team of dedicated educators, PES has been a beacon of progress for over 90 years.

The legacy of PES is deeply rooted in the tireless efforts and sacrifice of prominent figures like Guruwarya Late S. R. Kanitkar, Late V. T. Tatke, and Late M. G. Chaphekar. These stalwarts laid a foundation built on strong moral values and a commitment to constant improvement.

The very names “Progressive” and “Modern” embedded within the Society’s name are testaments to its core values. PES strives for continuous innovation and a forward-thinking approach, ensuring its educational offerings remain current and relevant. This commitment extends to modern equipment, methodologies, and curricula across academics, sports, and cultural activities.

As outlined in its constitution, PES aims to empower future generations by providing a comprehensive educational experience. This encompasses Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, Collegiate levels, encompassing literacy, scientific technical training, commercial and industrial education, and teacher training programs – all within the state of Maharashtra, with a particular focus on serving its residents.

PES is currently led by Honourable Chairman Prof. Dr. G.R. Ekbote, who is committed to the mission of providing meaningful education to lower and middle class society at affordable cost. With a strong sense of duty and purpose, he has redefined education and brought a new dimension to the field. PES is making noteworthy progress in the professional education in the fields of Pharmacy, Engineering, Management, Agri-Biotechnology and physiotherapy etc under his leadership with the noble path and principles laid down by the eminent predecessors.

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Guruvarya Shankarrao Kanitkar

The Visionary behind PES: Late Shri Shankarrao Kanitkar

The Progressive Education Society (PES) owes its remarkable journey to the foresight and dedication of its founder, Late Shri Shankarrao Kanitkar. Established in 1934, PES wouldn’t exist without his unwavering vision.

Shankarrao Kanitkar was more than just a founder; he was the wellspring of inspiration for those who shared his dream of revolutionizing Pune’s educational landscape. A strict disciplinarian and an exemplary teacher himself, he embodied the core values of a true educationist. His straightforward and honest approach earned him immense respect, solidifying his position as the architect of PES’s glorious achievements.

Late Shri Shankarrao Kanitkar founded the Progressive Education Society in 1934 with a great foresight. He was the fountainhead of inspiration to members who joined hands with him in implementing the idea of starting a new era of education system in Pune. He was a strict disciplinarian, and an exemplary teacher. He was forthright, straightforward and a perfect educationist to the core. He was the man behind the great edifice of today’s Progressive Education Society’s glorious achievements.