University Exam information

University Exam information

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning

1. Display of lecture synopsis:

Goal: To make the learning more interactive, understandable, participative and facilitatingthe practice of display of lecture synopsis is imperative.

Context and Practice: The faculty of this college designs a concise abstract/ synopsis of every lecture. A synopsis covers the gist of lectures elaborating salient features. The synopsis is supplemented with relevant references for the learners and ultimately displayed on the notice board prior to the scheduled time of the lecture. This enables students to get advanced information of the lecture and students find sufficient time for referencing and self study. This stimulates interactive learning and also promotes better understanding, deep insight and indepth knowledge of the subject. This practice nurtures self learning and enhances the level of understanding among students. The above practice also catalyzes critical, creative, integrative imagination and thinking out-of the box.

Evidence of Success: The lecture is made more meaningful and interactive to facilitate the process of learning. The students have developed analytical skills, cognitive skills and an innate passion for learning. The above practice has given a boost for the continuous improvement of the academic results.

Problem encountered and resources required: The faculty needs additional efforts to design the synopsis and to create awareness among the students regarding the synopsis. The faculty is involved in interactive learning to facilitate the learning process. Moreover, additional library facilities are required with extended period of time for reference work.

Display Of Lecture Synopsis

The college has adopted the following innovative methods to enhance the learning competence of the students.
Teaching Learning and Evaluation Process: Teaching Learning process is complemented by the use of flash-cards and summary cards.

Use of Flash Cards: During regular teaching, flash cards are provided to the students. A flash card is having a printed question on one side and its answer on the reverse side. The students are provided with flash cards and one of the students asks the question to get the relevant answer. The students apply their mind and try to give relevant answer. Later on students are asked to verify the answer printed on the other side of flash card. By using flash card method, it is revealed that students’ understanding is enhanced and they also develop logical thinking.

Use of summary cards: Summary cards consist of highlights of the topics which give overview of information of a topic. The students refer these summary cards to get precise and concise information of that particular topic and revise their memory. The use of flash cards and summary cards have a stimulating effect on the teaching-learning process and students are tempted to use flashcards and summary cards to make the learning process more easy.

Summary Card & Flash Card

2. Inculcation of research aptitude:

Goal: To develop inquisitiveness, research mind, problem solving, decision making and application oriented learning, research aptitude is inculcated in the students.

Context and Practice:
The students have been permitted to carry out the project work of industrial relevance by using sophisticated equipments. The students do publish their research work along with faculty in reputed journals. Moreover, the research work carried out in the project is presented in research project competitions organised by the Savitribai Phule University of Pune, Indian Pharmaceutical Congress and in various intercollegiate competitions. This promotes confidence, competence, decision making and problem-solving skills of the students. The college lays stress on e-learning like NPTEL, Bentham journal, N Digital online library, e-books, e-journals, etc. The library has an audio-visual room for video lectures.

Evidence of Success: