University Exam information

University Exam information

Innovation, Research And Consultancy Policy

PES Modern College of Pharmacy (for ladies), Moshi, Pune aims at achieving the objectives pertaining to innovations, research initiatives, and research productivity. Therefore Innovation, Research and Consultancy policy of this college looks forward to promote and inculcate research aptitude in faculty and students. The guidelines and provisions of this policy shall demonstrate a continuous commitment for maintenance of high quality research in academic institutes.

Guidelines for Publications:

  • All Assistant professors should publish a minimum of two research publications per academic year in UGC CARE/ SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed journal.
  • All Associate Professors should publish three research publications per academic year in UGC CARE/ SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed journal­­­ (out of which one research publication with impact factor is preferred.)
  • A Professor should publish four research publications per academic year in UGC CARE/ SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed journal (out of which one research publication with impact factor is preferred.)
  • Each faculty has to present a poster/oral presentation at least two National/International conference (Abstract book should be published preferably with ISBN no) or a book or book chapter with ISBN
  • One patent application will be considered equivalent to one research paper.
  • A Doctorate faculty should apply for one research grant per academic year.
  • An Pharm research student should publish one research/review paper publication in a UGC CARE/ SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed journal for award of degree.
  • A PhD research student should publish two research paper publications in UGC CARE/ SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed journal­­­ (out of which one research publication should be with impact factor) and one presentation in National/International conference with publication of conference proceedings for the award of degree.
  • Research contribution as per the above policy will be considered during the performance appraisal process for the year.
  • Under the intra-mural research fund, financial support will be provided for hiring charges to the B Pharm and M Pharm research students.

Guidelines for Consultancy:

  • The physical and academic infrastructure of the institute will be made available to provide consultancy to the other academic/research institutes and industry.
  • The revenue generated from research consultancy will be shared between the institute and the researcher with 60:40 proportions.

Incentives to faculty for research contribution

PES Modern College of Pharmacy (for ladies), Moshi, Pune has designed an incentive policy for the promotion of research output by the faculty. The research contribution by each faculty will be evaluated depending on the national-international status, indexing, and impact factor of the journal. Participation and awards for presentation (oral/poster) of research work in national-international conferences are also appreciated.

The research contribution of every faculty member will be assessed every academic year (1st June-30th May) for,

Research Publications

  1. Publication of Book
  2. Patents/ copyright obtained
  3. Generation of research grants
  4. Research awards and fellowships
  5. Research Paper presentations (oral/poster) and Award
Sr.No Type of Research Contribution No. of Credits
Publication with Impact factor above 2*
Publication with Impact factor 1.00 - 2.00*
Publication with Impact factor up to 1*
Publication with UGC care/Scopus/Woos indexed journal without impact factor*
Full Book Published By International publisher with ISBN Number
Full Book Published By National publisher with ISBN Number
Book chapter with ISBN Number
For Best Awarded Paper in conference with proceedings in Foreign Countries
For Best Awarded Papers in conference in National/international conference with proceedings held in India
Patent publication
Patent/copyright granted#
Research grant received up to 3.0 lakhs#
Research grant received up to 5.0 lakhs#
Research grant received above 5.0 lakhs#
  • Impact factor should be as calculated by Thomson Reuters
  • In case of shared research grants, the Principal investigator would share 60% of the credit amount and the remaining 40% would be shared by co-investigator(s).
  • At the end of every year total credits earned by a faculty will be calculated. For each credit earned, a sum of Rs. 5000 will be paid. 

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